Great Buildings

I don’t know as much about architecture as I feel I should – it seems like an area I should be interested in, with its balance of design and engineering. It’s not a great site for beginning reading, but the collection of images of buildings at The Great Buildings Collection (some of them 3D models, though you need to download special software to view them) is very extensive and detailed. If I get some projects off my plate I might have to order one of the basic books off the bibliography list.

State Pride, Failed Allusion

Driving into Pittsburgh from the west today, an official PennDoT lit sign (of the type that normally warns of bad traffic) read “Brownie Fans – Welcome to Mordor”. How nice to see my hometown taking a literary turn to its sports fanaticism. One almost hesitates to point out that in the stories surely being alluded to, those who went into Mordor emerged triumphant.

Dullest Hobby Ever

Looking for a hobby? Why not try Modern Moist Towelette Collecting. You can get a peek at the beauty and variety this hobby could expose you to in this site’s Gallery or enjoy a rousing game of Moist Towelette Concentration!

Digital Timestamping

I’m swiping this directly from Allen but he is very correct in reminding researchers than without dated research notes you may be undermining your ability to receive patents. With so many of us keeping our records electronically, Stamper, a free PGP Digital Timestamping service, is a very useful resource. Thanks for finding this, Allen!

History of Carnegie Libraries

An interesting article on the many, many libraries that Andrew Carnegie founded around the world: Deconstructing the Philanthropic Library. It’s a brief discussion of why Carnegie chose to found libraries in particular; a large part is his own history of self-education and a belief in a meritocracy. I find the background image odd given the content – it gives an unsubtle message that the article is really about the money. I thought the Carnegie libraries I frequented growing up were quite good, though the main branch attached to The Carnegie Institute was intimidating. [via BookPeople]

Detroit Airport Tunnel

Last night a friend regailed us with a description of the underground tunnel connecting the concourses in the Detroit Metro Airport, and I hesitantly admit that I was suspicious enough of the bizarrely psychadelic nature of the display that he described that I jumped on line and confirmed that commuters through Detriot do indeed get treated to “a wonderful light and sound show” as they rush from gate to gate (select item 7 in the virtual tour for a poor rendition of the tunnel). I’m almost hoping for a layover there sometime, now.

But not five dimensional….

With minimal artistic license, a snippet of this evening’s conversation: Guy on TV, to skinny girl: You’re a stick figure! Them, to me: You’re not a stick figure. Me: No, I’m three dimensional. Them: I’m so big, I’m four dimensional! Me: Yes, you take up time and space….

Fussy Cooking, Creepy Gems….

A bunch of little links, which I don’t have many comments for… I would normally avoid any “news” related URL containing the word ‘heartwarmers’, but this picture is the absolutely cutest thing I’ve seen on the internet all month. [via Eclectica] While it appears to take a fussier approach to cooking than I prefer in real life, the food weblog Saute Wednesday is very fun fantasy reading. [via Eatonweb] If you thought NPR’s ludicrous linking policy was an abberation, go check out Don’t Link to Us!, a log of websites with stupid linking policies. [via RRE] And while I’m not … Continue reading Fussy Cooking, Creepy Gems….

Vehicular Nostalgia

In a minor stroke of luck, I managed to avoid having to go pick up a friend from the mechanic’s, as my slightly less fortunate friend incurred a large enough maintainance bill to be allowed to drive the “loaner” for the day. I insisted they take me for a ride, though, when I saw they were driving a behemoth “family truckster” style station wagon, complete with stained bench seats, clunking gear shift, and that boat-like ride. I’d forgotten how different they were from an SUV – they’re as big, but they ride much closer to the ground. It was a … Continue reading Vehicular Nostalgia

Time Travelers Wanted

In a similar vein to the “Ryan and Jacob are fakes” spam I mentioned last week, I got this fascinating message the other day: Subject: Time Travelers PLEASE HELP!!! Hello, If you are a time traveler or alien and or in possession of government or alien technology I need your help! My entire life and health has been messed with by evil beings! If you have access to the carbon copy replica model #50 3000 series, the dimensional warp, temporal reversion or something similar please reply! I simply need the safest method of transferring my consciousness or returning to my … Continue reading Time Travelers Wanted