Ode to Cheese

I love how Project Gutenberg doesn’t just archive classics and popular books. They’re also making an effort to save the obscure and niche items, like the recent addition, The Complete Book of Cheese, a 1955 work by Robert Carlton Brown, and a good reference for uses of cheese, trivia about unusual cheeses, and all of your cheese-themed poetry needs.

Ode to Cheese
God of the country, bless today Thy cheese,
For which we give Thee thanks on bended knees.
Let them be fat or light, with onions blent,
Shallots, brine, pepper, honey; whether scent
Of sheep or fields is in them, in the yard
Let them, good Lord, at dawn be beaten hard.
And let their edges take on silvery shades
Under the moist red hands of dairymaids;
And, round and greenish, let them go to town
Weighing the shepherd’s folding mantle down;
Whether from Parma or from Jura heights,
Kneaded by august hands of Carmelites,
Stamped with the mitre of a proud abbess.
Flowered with the perfumes of the grass of Bresse,
From hollow Holland, from the Vosges, from Brie,
From Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Italy!
Bless them, good Lord! Bless Stilton’s royal fare,
Red Cheshire, and the tearful cream Gruyere.